Are We in Decline?
Are we degenerating so that morals and standards and behavior is getting worse? In an academic article entitled “The Fourth Great Awakening or Apostasy: Is American Evangelicalism Cycling Upwards or Spiraling Downwards?”, I argued yes.
In Judges, we see the church in decline. The crash of Israel into degeneracy is presented in two parts; first, their man-made, customer-driven worship.
How low can you go?
Moses’ family itself leads Israel into sin that eventually leads to their captivity. What we need is for God Himself to be our King. We need for His Kingdom to come.
For part two, come to Covenant Reformed Baptist Church (6611 Old NC Highway 86 N., Providence, NC, just 3.5 miles south of Danville) at 11 AM.
Sunday School
Our on-line Sunday School is now beginning RC Sproul’s series “What is Reformed Theology,” premiering Friday, May 5 at 5 pm.